Kiss et al. in Brabender et al., 2012
Metabolomonas with a body length of 9.1–13.1 µm and a body width of 5.7–8.1 µm. The anterior flagellum is 1 – 1.2 × the body length. The cells form finger-like, bulbous, filose, lamellar, spatulate and smaller reticular pseudopodia anywhere on the cell, as well as long cytoplasmic tails and interlaces between cell parts. Attached amoeboid, unattached non-gliding wobbling, free swimming and plasmodial stages are found. The flagellar insertion is subapically ventral or ventral. The nuclear envelope of the vesicular nucleus is thin and smooth, the nucleoplasm is homogeneous (very delicate granules rarely visible), and the large nucleus is spherical. The nucleus is closely connected to the basal bodies. The single contractile vacuole is situated in the anterior part of the cell. About 20 large, bright crystals are situated in the cytoplasm. No extrusomes were found. (по: Brabender et al., 2012)