(Massart, 1920) Loeblich, 1965
Cells are 11–16 μm long, 8–12 μm wide. Cell outline oblong, dorsoventrally flattened, length to width ratio 1.2–1.4. Epicone dome-shaped, its length about two thirds of the total cell length. The outline of the epicone broken by a small incision a little to the left of the mid-ventral line. Hypocone narrower than the epicone, being only about 0.7 of the greatest cell width. Girdle encircling the epicone, not displaced. Sulcus slightly dislocated, situated in the right part of the hypocone and extending from the girdle to the antapex. The sulcus describes a left turning curve, often continuing a little upwards on the dorsal side. Nucleus situated in the left side of cell, occupying a large part of the posterior end. Chloroplasts not observed (Larsen, 1985). (по: Al-Yamani, Saburoba, 2010)