Cavalier-Smith in Cavalier-Smith et Chao, 2010
A large, strongly amoeboid apusomonad, with clearly visible cilia. Body length when gliding 15-19 µm; width when gliding 5.7-6.5 µm (wider still when contracted or with pseudopods); anterior ciliary sleeve tapering, short (1-2 µm) and shortly triangular, appearing like the pointed apex of the cell rather than a distinct structure, only very weakly curved towards the left of cell’s long axis, its opening asymmetric; anterior cilium 7-10 µm, often over half body length with several mm tapering acroneme, proportions vary as cell strongly contractile; non-acronematic part of anterior cilium held in hook-like rigid curve, pointing to left in least amoeboid cells but sometimes to right when highly amoeboid; motion mainly low amplitude flickering of distal tip and/or changing its angle through approximately 30° in hinge-like fashion at its base within the sleeve; posterior sharply acronematic cilium longer (18-21 µm), projecting from rear of gliding cells by a quarter to a third of body length, often curved to right. Cell posterior rounded, not tapering and pointed as in T. mutabilis. Multiple slender finger or thread like pseudopods can be extended from posterior to over a body length, sometimes confusable with posterior cilium, but usually less regular in diameter and frequently branching. Finger-like pseudopods can flatten into branched lamellipodia. Cell contractile, can rapidly shorten (by up to two-fold) and fatten. Conspicuous refractile granules along the line of the posterior cilium and ventral groove. По: Cavalier-Smith et Chao, 2010