Deharvengia japonica

Bobrov, Shimano, Mazey, 2012



Deharvengia japonica Bobrov, Shimano, Mazey 2012. (Figs 2–10) Description: Test large, colorless, transparent, ovoid to broadly ovoid (Figs 3, 4, 7, 8), tapering to the front end, laterally flattened (Fig. 10), narrow elliptic in cross-section (Fig. 9). Aperture narrow elliptic (Fig. 9), with the ventral side cut at about 6/7 the length of the entire test (Fig. 10), and surrounded by thin organic lip. There is a small cap on the dorsal side of the shell (Fig. 5, 7, 10), which is surrounded by a narrow organic lip (Fig. 5). Shell is covered by elliptical flat silica plates (idiosomes), 7x11 microns sized and arranged regularly in up to 18 transverse and 13–15 longitudinal rows (Figs. 3, 4). On the dorsal side of the cap direction of rows follow the outline of the shell (Fig. 5). Flat transparent clavate spines with a length of about 10 microns starting from the rear and to the middle of the test are placed on each side of the test (Figs 6–8). Fig. 2. Deharvengia japonica: ventral (left) and lateral (right) views. 1–7 – characters of the test measured (see Table 1) Figs 3–6. Scanning electron microscopical (SEM) micrographs of Deharvengia japonica. 3–4 – dorsal view, 5 – dorsal view of the apertural cap, 7 – flat clavate spines on the side of the test. Figs 7–10. Light microscopical (LM) micrographs of Deharvengia japonica. 7 – ventral view, 8 – ventro-lateral view, 9 – apertural view, 11 – lateral view.

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