Bobrov 2016
Description: Shell is very small, bilaterally symmetrical, narrowly ovate, slightly compressed, almost circular in a transverse section, brown, non-transparent. Dorsal side weakly convex, posterior end evenly curved, anterior end with aperture slightly cut obliquely towards ventral side. Aperture elliptical, subterminal. Shell surface smooth, without mineral inclusions. Measurements: shell length 6.75–7.50 μm; shell breadth 3.75–4.50 μm; shell depth 3.75–4.00 μm; axis of aperture 2.50–3.00 μm. Type locality: Polygonal tundra, 28 km northwestward of Chokurdakh settlement (Yakutia). 70°49′55.4″N 147°28′39.1″E. Biotope: Sphagnum, peat tussock, microelevation in the center of the testing area. Vegetation: Carex chordorrhiza, Andromeda polifolia, Salix myrtilloides, Ledum decumbens, Carex stans, Polytrichum commune, Sphagnum sp. Soil – Sphagnic Fibristel (US ST). Type specimen: Laboratory of Soil Bioindication, Department of Soil Geography, Faculty of Soil Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, slide No. 3-201