Tsyganov Andrey Nikolaevich

Степень: PhD
Должность: PhD
Место работы: Penza State University
Количество публикаций:
E-Mail: andrey.tsyganov@bk.ru
Основные научные труды:
Tsyganov A., Komarov A., Mitchell E.A.D., Shimano S., Smirnova O.V., Aleynikov A.A., Mazei Yu.A. Additive partitioning of testate amoeba species diversity across hierarchy of habitats within pristine southern taiga landscape (Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve, Russia) // European Journal of Protistology. 2015. V. 51. № 1. P. 42-54.
Tsyganov A.N., Beyens L., Keuper F., Aerts R. Flourish or Flush: Effects of simulates extreme rainfall events on sphagnum-dwelling testate amoeba in a subarctic bog (Abisko, Sweden) // Microbial Ecology. 2013. V. 65. № 1. P. 101-110.
Tsyganov A.N., Temmerman S., Ledeganck P., Beyens L. The distribution of soil testate amoeba under winter snow cover at the plot-scale level in Arctic tundra (Qeqertarsuaq/Disco Island, West Greenland) // Acta Protozoologica. 2012. V. 51. № 2. P. 155-167.
Tsyganov A.N., Beyens L., Aerts R., Cornelissen J.H.C., Nijs I. Sphagnum-dwelling testate amoeba in subarctic bogs are more sensitive to soil warming in the growing season than in winter: the results of eight-year field climate manipulations // Protist. 2012. V. 163. № 3. P. 400-414.
Tsyganov A., Embulaeva E., Mazei Yu. Distribution of soil testate amoeba assemblages along catenas in the northern taiga zone (Karelia, Russia) // Protistology. 2012. Vol. 7. № 2. P. 71–78.
Tsyganov A.N., Beyens L., Nijs I. Does climate warming stimulate of inhibit soil protist communities? A test on testate amoebae in High-Arctic tundra with free-air temperature increase // Protist. 2011. V. 162. № 2. P. 237-248.
Tsyganov A.N., Mazei Yu.A. Morphology and biometry of Arcella intermedia (Deflandre, 1928) nov. comb. from Russia and review of hemispheric species of the genus Arcella (Testacealobosea: Arcellinida) // Protistology. 2006. Vol.4. №4. P. 361–369.
Tsyganov A.N., Mazei Yu.A. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Arcella gibbosaPenard, 1890 (Rhizopoda, Testacealobosea) // Protistology. 2006. Vol.4. №3. Р.279–294.
Цыганов А.Н., Мазей Ю.А. Видовой состав и структура сообщества раковинных амеб заболоченного озера в Среднем Поволжье // Успехи современной биологии. 2007. Т. 127. №4. C. 405–415.